Research and Development

Innovation and Development
For hoists to be compliant with Australian standards,Tufflift has a team of qualified engineers both here in Australia and overseas to make certain the hoists manufactured and sold are built to handle the day-to-day needs of their customers. When required, design upgrades are incorporated into the existing range to ensure you are purchasing the latest quality designs available. The directors frequently liaise with the manufacturing facilities to help develop and streamline the processes of hoist production and initiate safety and quality control procedures for both the plant operators and their customers. Whether you use the hoist for car storage or as part of your workshop setup, Tufflift offers an extensive range to meet your needs.
Hello Tufflift, Our business is involved in Paint Protection of cars & as such we require our hoist to be utilised all day every day! Our Tufflift hoist was installed nearly 12 months ago & has not missed a beat. We are very happy that we can use our hoist to work on our cars at what ever level is required, as opposed to rolling around on the ground trying to polish.

I have a two post hoist great for maintenance but very cumbersome for storage to improve floor space in the shed. The opportunity to create a mezzanine with a (TL3.6PH-H) four post hoist has increased my parking undercover so now I can go shopping to fill the space. My wife seems to be the only one who does not support the idea!! Good value/great hoist.

Prompt delivery, easy to unpack and it was all there. I read the instructions twice, just to make sure and then put it together in a day by myself, just using basic tools and an engine lifter. Nice relaxed day. All I have to do is fit the motor and hook up the hydraulics, could not be happier.